Dive sites on Bunaken Island
Likuan I
A very popular diving spot, Lekuan I is home to the Bannerfish, Napoleon Wrasses, and a large school of Pyramid Butterflyfish. It is also possible to see Turtles and Angelfish here. At 35 meters it is common to encounter Blacktip Sharks and large Trevallies . This is not for the faint hearted ! Rated : Advanced diver with 20 logged dives; currents; average visibility 30m*
Likuan II
This steep coral wall with vertical canyons offers you a nice moderate drift dive. The reef is swarming with numerous schools of tropical reef fish swimming around a variety of soft and hard corals from the top of the reef down to 20 meters. Butterflyfish and Bannerfish are a common sight here. It is also possible to encounter Napoleon Wrasses, Turtles, and Sharks. Rated :Vertical wall; adv diver; depth 10-25 m; currents; av vis 30 m
Likuan III
One of the most beautiful dives off Bunaken Island. A very special site for night diving. Barracudas, Reef Whitetip Sharks, Bamboo Sharks, and Sponge Crabs are common here. Cleaner shrimp, Scorpionfish, large Nudibranches, Cuttlefish, Spanish Dancers, Basket Stars are seen here. Anything is possible….Rated : Beginner diver; vertical wall diving; depth 5 – 25; av vis 35
Cela – Cela.
This site is located right in front of our beach. It offers excellent visibility. It is common to see reef Sharks here. Spotted Eagle Rays can also be seen. Numerous schooling tropical reef fish and an excellent variety at soft and hard coral are found here. Special night dive with many interesting caves and also access into 20 meter deep crevices. This spot offers underwater photographers a special view with the sunlight streaming through the big sissures in the wall. Rates: Beginner diver; vertical wall diving; depth 5 – 25m; av vis 35m
Alung Banua.
This diving spot is only 10 minutes by boat from our office. During night dives it is possible to see Giant Napoleon Wrasses sleeping in their home caves in the reef wall at a depth of 10 meters and 13 meters. In addition, it is possible to encounter Bluespotted Rays, Sharks, Scorpionfish, Crocodilefish, Nudibranches, a pair of white leaf Scorpionfish, and also schools of Bumphead parrotfish swimming around the small caves and overhangs. A good dive ! Rated : Beginner; vertical wall diving; currents; depth 5 – 25m
Fukui Point
Good dive for beginners. Sloping reef. Spotted Garden eel, Giant Clams, Bumphead parrotfish, large size Barracudas, Napoleon Wrasses, a big school of Batfish, and other Pelagic fish are common here. Spotted Eagle Rays may be found. Barrel Sponges are a common sight here. Big fish and lots of action. Rated: Advanced diver; depth 5 – 25m; av vis 30m; occasional current
Mandolin Point
The currents range from moderate to strong at this dive site. You will enjoy small schools of reef fish, Angelfish, Gobbies, Bumphead Parrotfish, and large size Barracudas. Nice coral, pristine reef, large Gorgonian fans and Ascidians. At a depth of 35m it is possible to see Reef Blacktip Sharks in a wide cave in the reef wall. Rated :Advanced diver; depth 5 – 40m; av vis 30m; strong current
Raymonds Point
This site is very close to Mandolin point. The site is known for its’ large cave, many Lobsters, Emperor Angelfish, Groupers, Sting Rays, and possibly small Spotted Eagle Rays. Many small schools of fish live here. Banded Sea Snakes are a common sight at the top of the reef. Nice soft and hard coral. Rated : Advanced diver; depth 5 – 35m; av vis 30m; strong current
Sachiko’s Point
This popular dive site provides a stunning wall with breath-taking soft and hard coral at the top of the reef. Reef black tip sharks, Stonefish, several types of Moray eels, and many small schools of reef fish and large Gorgonians are found here. At the deeper levels, you will find some nice caves. Rated: Advanced diver; vertical wall diving; depth 5 – 30m; av vis 30m
Mikes Point
This dive site is a 30 minute boat-ride from our base of operations on Bunaken Island. This is a good spot for deep diving. Large Pelagic may be found here, as well as Spotted Eagle Rays, Lobsters, and big Groupers. You may even see large Sharks at the deeper parts of the reef. Beautiful Gorgonians Seafans and all different types and colors of Sponges are carpeting the reef floor. Rated : Advanced diver; depth 15 – 40m; av vis 25m; strong currents
Tanjung Parigi.
This dive site is located right at the northern part of Bunaken Island. It has a vertical winding wall, with an exposed reef top. Surgeonfish, Rabbitfish, Parrotfish, large Jacks, and other Pelagic fish are seen here. It is also possible to find huge Barrel sponges, beautiful black coral, and Gorgonians. There can be a strong current. Rated : Advanced diver; depth 15 – 30m; winding wall; av vis 30m; currents
Depan Kampung.
Depan Kampung means “in front of the village”. It is located at the southern tip of Bunaken Island. Currents may be extremely strong – giving you a nice, fast underwater ride. Napoleon Wrasses, Reef black and white tip sharks, Lobsters, and Moorish Idols are found here. It is possible to see big turtles and various schools of fish. The wall contains many vertical crevices and canyons. Rated :Advenced diver; vertical wall diving; depth 15 – 30m; av vis 25m
Bunaken Timur.
This dive site is located at the Timur (East) part of Bunaken Island, right next to Bunaken village. Beautiful soft coral is found at shallower depths. Ascidians, Spotted Eagle Rays, turtles, Nudibranches, Shrimpfish, Butterflyfish, and Sharks are pretty common here. It is a special site for macro photography. Rated : Advanced diver; vertical wall diving; depth 5 – 25m, av vis 25m; strong currents
Dive sites on Siladen Island
A very nice spot for both snorkeling and diving. This site is located off Siladen Island about a 45 minute trip by boat. There is a variety of exquisite soft corals at the reef top. Turtles, Napoleon Wrasses, and other small creatures are common sights here. Groupers, Butterflyfish, Sting Rays, and Spotted Eagle Rays are possible to encounter. The currents are moderate to strong. Rated : Advanced diver; vertical wall diving; depth 5-30m; av vis 25m; strong currents
Siladen Utara.
This dive site is located right behind Siladen Island. The current is moderate to strong – making it a site for experienced divers. This is a good place to see Turtles. Snappers, Emperor Angelfish, and reef white tip sharks are also found here. A lot of macro life at the stepped sandy bottom. Rated: Advanced diver; depth 15-25m;av vis 25m; strong currents
Dive sites on Manado Tua island
This is a favorite dive site with our crew. It is particularly good for a morning dive. This sites slope to 30m and then becomes a vertical wall. There are strong horizontal currents. Expect encounter with large pelagic fish. A school of 50 large size Baraccudas, Napoleon Wrasse, and Giant Trevallies are found here. At 30m you see thick schools of Bannerfish, and Butterflyfish, Spotted Eagle Ray, Sea Snake, and the possibility of a sleeping sharks under Table Coral. This area has one of the healthiest reefs, with a nice diversity of corals. Rated : Advanced diver; depth 15-30m; sandy slope; deep vertical wall; av vis 30m; down current.
Negri offers a night dive. There is a winding wall with good visibility. Giant clam, Banded Pipe fish, Parrotfish, Angelfish, and other schooling fish are found here. At 30m sandy steps offer possible encounters with Silvertip and Hammerhead sharks. Expect big fish at this deep dive. Barrel sponges and a nice variety of beautiful soft coral are found here. Rated: Advanced diver; depth 15-25; vertical winding wall; av vis 30m; current.
Muka Gereja.
Depan Gereja means “in Front of the Church”. You will find many caves, overhangs, and big cracks in the steep reef wall. White Anemone Crabs and a pair of Leaf fish can be seen in and around Sticky Anemone. Large Trevallies, White tip sharks, Spotted Eagle Rays, and Scorpionfish are also found here. There are many varieties of hard and soft corals. Rated : Advanced diver; depth 15-25m; vertical winding wall; av vis 30m; currents
Tanjung Kopi.
This site often has strong current with good visibility. There many types of Parrotfish, Surgeonfish, Triggerfish, and sometimes Blacktip and Hammerhead sharks. At deeper depth you may encounter Emperor angelfish. There is an abundance of beautiful soft coral, Gorgonians, and Whip Corals. Rated: Advanced diver, depth 15-25; slope with deep vertical wall; av vis 30m; possible downcurrent.
Dive sites on Mantehage island
Barakuda Point.
This dive sites is for experienced divers only as you will often encounter very strong currents with the possibility of the downcurrent. If you’re lucky you will see large schools of Barracudas. Other fish found here Snapper, Titan Triggerfish, Grouper, and Bannerfish. Sometimes you will see Hammerhead sharks, Jacks and more.The coral here is mostly soft coral. Rated: Advanced diver; depth 15-35m; wall; av vis 25m; currents.
This sloping wall houses special Macro fish, soft coral, Lionfish, and a few different types of Nudribanches, Snapper, Emperor angelfish, and Triggerfish are common here. Many soft coral and hard corals. Rated: Advanced diver; depth 15-35m; sandy slope; av vis 20m; currents.
This another special site for experienced divers. In the local dialect, Gorango means ‘Sharks’ . This sloping reef wall houses nice soft and hard corals. Modarate to strong currents make for good drift dives. The type of fish you expect to encounter are Triggerfish, Grey sharks, Snapper Bumphead parrotfish and Turtles. Hammerhead sharks maybe found at the deeper part of the reef. Rated: Advanced diver; depth 15-35m; wall; av vis 25m; currents.
Dive sites on Nain Island
Jalan Masuk.
This trip also is for experienced divers. There is often a strong current. Reef Whitetip shark are commonly spotted here. Many schooling tropical fish including Bumphead parrotfish and Parrotfish can be seen. Soft corals, Sponges and more…Rated: Advanced diver; depth 15-35m; av vis 20m; currents.
Batu Kapal.
Barraccudas, Whitetip reef Sharks, Sponge Crabs are common sight here. Cleanner Shrimps, Scorpionfish, large Nudribranches, and Cuttlefish are also found at this dive site. Rated: Adv diver; depth 15 -30m; av vis 20m; wide reef flat reef; currents.
Dive sites on Main island
Molas Shipwreck.
The Molas ship was a twin propelled Japanese Carrier Warship. The shipwreck is sitting upright with the port side facing the reef. The bottom of the hull lays between 30 and 40m with the propellers at the deepest part. Bring your dive light to view this wreck. Leaf fish and Scorpion fish can be seen at the bow of the boat. Jaw fish peeping from their holes and Flying Gunnards are common sights on this sandy bottom reef. Rated: Adv diver; depth 15 -30m; av vis 20m; currents.
Tanjung Pisok.
This dive site is located in Manado in front of Thallasa / Santika resort. The current is moderate to strong – making it a site for experienced divers. This is a good place to see Leaf Fish, Turtles. Snappers, Emperor Angelfish, and reef white tip sharks are also found here. A lot of macro life at the stepped sandy bottom. Rated Adv diver; depth 15 -30m; av vis 20m; currents .